Where? Parco Tecnologico Padano

Via Einstein Albert, Lodi

In collaboration with: Parco Tecnologico Padano

How understanding microbics communities can help health, quality and sustainability. The afternoon session, addressed to researchers, will deal with the metagenomics applications.

The human being always took advantage of microorganisms to improve the quality of life and he learned to know some of them. Inside our bodies flourishes a prosperous microbial flora (we have 10 times as many microorganisms than human cells) and the same is for plants and animals (just think about the bovine farming). Today it is possible to know these “hosts” thanks to metagenomics, and this can help us not only to live better, but also to develop more and more improved and safe products.

This event will be a journey into metagenomics applications both in research and industry.