08 October 2014, 10:00 – 16:00
The Panum Institute
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Nørre Alle 20
2200 Copenhagen N
Biopeople, University of Copenhagen and Bioneer are happy to invite you to exhibit at the 1st Biotech Agora and get a unique opportunity to spend a whole day in the heart of the Health & Medical Sciences faculty be able to expose and discuss your R&D capabilities with clinicians, companies, research groups as well as investors and public funding agents.
For booking & practical info about your exhibition booth, please contact:
Bent M. Gjerløff, Consultant, Biopeople
M: +45 4043 1725, E: gjerloeff(at)post.tele.dk
For information about the event, please contact:
Elias Zafirakos, Science & Innovation Cluster Manager, Biopeople
M: +45 2875 6577, E: elz(at)biopeople.ku.dk