From 22 to 30 September 2020 the 20th Conference on Wood Energy is taking place. After years of at times very tough negotiations, the EU institutions have finally agreed on the content of the new Renewable Energy Directive, known as RED II. The decisions taken will have a tangible impact on our sector too. Our conference aims to provide positive stimuli to ensure that wood energy is once again firmly embedded in future climate and energy strategies!
Due to the current developments within COVID-19, the organisers have decided to convert the 20th anniversary of the Wood Energy Congress into a digital event format. This year’s motto is: Wood energy goes digital! The Wood Energy Congress will take place as a 6-day event series in the period from 22.-24.09 and from 28.-30.09.2020. Each day of the event consists of two webinars. You can find further information under programme. Accompanying the digital Wood Energy Congress, sponsors will have the opportunity to present their company virtually during the webinars as well as through company presentations or digital tours, which will be deposited on the congress website.
The Congress for Wood Energy is organised by the Fachverband Holzenergie (FVH) in the Bundesverband Bioenergie e. V. (BBE) and the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR). The congress is supported by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. You can register here.

Event host: Fachverband Holzenergie (FVH) und Fachagentur für nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR)
Event venue: Online
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