Venue: TU Bergakademie Freiberg
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The biannual International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium is the global forum for experts from academia and industry active in the fields of biomining, bioleaching and bioremediation. These technologies have a high potential to establish environmentally favourable processes for the recovery of primary and secondary precious and base metal resources as well as the remediation of exploited mining sites.
Covering all aspects, IBS is the place to meet with biologists, engineers and chemists as well as mining experts to discuss the latest scientific and technological trends. Academics, students, researchers, practitioners as well as representatives of industry and institutions are invited to discuss their research, develop new concepts, exchange information about innovations and best practice cases.
The IBS 2017 will be held in Freiberg in Saxony. The city has been a centre of the mining industry for centuries and is home of the Bergakademie, the University of Mining and Technology established in 1765. The historical flair of the city where the mining history is ever-present together with the state-of-the-art science facilities and industry makes Freiberg a special destination with many interesting sights that will stimulate exchange and discussion.