2es Rencontres parlementaires pour l’Innovation: Une nouvelle donne pour l’Innovation

Paris, France

Hosted by

Anne-Yvonne le Dain, deputy of Hérault
Patrick Hetzel, Député du Bas-Rhin

In the presence of

Arnaud Montebourg, Ministre de l’Économie, du Redressement productif et du Numérique
Geneviève Fioraso, Secrétaire d’État à l’Enseignement supérieur et à la recherche

Organised by M&M Conseil

8h30 Welcome

9h00 Event Opening

9h10 Introduction – French and innovation: between fear and progress

How do we accept innovation? How to find a good balance between risques and benefits?
The human genius, a response to all faults?
The precautionary and proportionality principle in front of scientific incertitude

Jean Bizet, member of France Senate representing the Manche department
Gérald Bronner, professor of sociology at University Paris Diderot – Paris VII and author of  the book “La Démocratie des crédules”
Eddy Fougier, politologist and associated researcher at Institute of International Strategic Relations  à

9h35 Session 1: The French ecosystem of innovation: our strengths and our weaknesses
How can innovation generate a sustainable growth and increase employment? How about PME-PMI?
Are the innovative companies visible abroad?
Is France the victim of brain drain?

Hosted by Patrick Hetzel, député du Bas-Rhin

With the participation of
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, president of European Council of Research (CER)
Pascale Briand, general director of National Agency of Research (ANR)
Alain Juppé, former prime-minister, signatory of Tribune “La France a, plus que jamais, besoin de scientifiques et de techniciens”
Christiane Lambert*, first vice-president of FNSEA
Bernard Stiegler*, philosopher, director of Institute for Research and Innovation (IRI) and president of the association Ars Industrialis
Philippe Taquet*, president of Academy of Sciences
Guy Vallancien*, doctor, medicine professor at University Paris Descartes. president of Convention on Health Analysis and Management
Hubert Védrine*, diplomat and president of Institute François Mitterrand since 2003

10h30 Change of room

10h50 Focus: Initiation in biotechnology
Bernard Gilly, co-founder Gensigth Biologics
Pierre-Olivier Goineau*, president of France Biotech
Nathalie Moll, Secretary General Europabio

11h15 Session 2 : Innovation and competitiveness
Our businesses are bold enough?
What economic model of innovation – from idea to market?
How to develop the culture of entrepreneurship in France?

Presided by Anne-Yvonne Le Dain, deputy of Hérault
Partner representatives of the assembly

With the participation of
Jean-Jacques Barbéris, senior advisor for macroeconomics and economy financing
Nicolas Dufourcq, président-directeur général de Bpifrance Financement
Jean-François Galloüin, directeur général de Paris-Incubateurs et Paris Région Lab
Christophe Lecante, président de l’Institut des Hautes études pour la science et la technologie
Philippe Léglise-Costa, secrétaire général des Affaires européennes (SGAE)
Jean-Hervé Lorenzi*, president of Cercle des économistes
André Marcon, president of CCI France
Pierre Pelouzet, French mediator for inter-enterprises relations at Ministry of Economy
Dominique Restino*, president of APCE
Partner representatives of the assembly

12h15 Change of room

12h25 Closing ceremony

12h30 Cocktail – Photo exhibition

12h45 Lunch debate with Louis Schweitzer, General commissioner for investment