Target Audience:
Management of small and medium sized enterprises and experts from development, manufacturing and quality control in pharmaceutical industry involved in the process development and strategic planning necessary for market access of an Advanced Therapy Medical Products (ATMP).
The workshop will focus on ATMP as products in development for market supply. Speakers will share background knowledge gained during strategic planning and pharmaceutical development of designated non-orphan drugs.
In the afternoon session of the first workshop day three round table discussions each headed by two to three experts will provide a platform for the participants to discuss their own topics, issues and strategy in an interactive manner. Results from theses round tables will afterwards be taken together and presented to the audience.
For more information and registration, please visit the events website.
Dr. Martin Bornhöft
Tel.: +49 6131 9769-0
Fax: +49 6131 9769-69
Venue Address:
IntercityHotel Wien
Mariahilfer Str. 122
1070 Wien / Austria Tel.:+43 1 525 85 0