Country: Germany

Host: ERA CoBioTech

Venue: Online


The ERA-Net Cofund on Biotechnologies is an ERA Net Cofund Action under Horizon 2020, which is strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) in the field of Biotechnology through enhanced cooperation and coordination of different national and regional research programs, promoting systems biology and synthetic biology as technology drivers to speed up research and innovation in industrial biotechnology.

Currently ERA CoBioTech is funding 32 R&D projects with a total budget of more than 50 €M, selected in three calls.

From 27 to 29 September 2021 the German Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) on behalf of ERA CoBioTech will organise the third BioTech Research & Innovation Hack a Joint Status Seminar, where in 12 online session the research consortia working:

• to bring new insights about the potential of microbial communities, co-cultures and cascades of microorganisms for new products or biological processes,
• to synthesise new or to improve existing cell factories (bacteria, archaea, yeasts, fungi, algae, etc.)
• to isolate new and to improve the performance of existing enzymes (biocatalysts) and enzyme cascades etc.
• to optimise microbial communities for better performance,
• to upscale industrial processes and to increase their efficiency and economic feasibility, and
• to discover new, efficient and sustainable methods for manufacturing bioproducts,
• will present their current progress.

The outcomes of the research projects are expected to provide significant contribution to the optimisation of different parts of the value chains of various biobased products used in our everyday life such as platform and commodity chemicals (biosurfactants, bioadhesives, solvents, biopolymers and coatings, biofuels), ingredients (flavours, fragrances, etc.) applied in the food and cosmetic industry, agrochemicals, products for personal care and steroids, antibiotics and other bioactive compounds used in human and veterinary medicine.
Next to the presentations of the excellent research the projects also inspiering keynote speeches will complete the programme.

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