The event, held at the Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP) of CNR in Naples, aims at improving the understanding of Biotechnologies, with particular regard to those dedicated to human health.

Several workstations will be organized and equipped as mini-laboratories, where 1st and 2nd grade students will have the possibility of performing experiments following a “Hands On” approach. Students will also attend short interactive seminars and discussions on specific biotechnological approaches. The aim is that of facilitating the understanding the present success and the future perspectives offered by biotechnologies in protecting and improving human health to the benefit of individuals and of the community.

Venue: Napoli, CNR Area della Ricerca Napoli 1, Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Aula Conferenze

Focus: Red Biotech

Type: Labs/Training/Open doors

More info:, 

Organiser: Associazione Culturale DiSciMuS RFC e Città della Scienza Napoli Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche -ISTITUTO DI BIOCHIMICA DELLE PROTEINE (IBP), Napoli