• Protein identification: Proteomics and Post-genomic sciences. Visitors will see proteins and glycoproteins identification by mass spectrometry.
  • Synthesis and application of natural and synthetic polymers in everyday use. Visitors will be able to witness the synthesis of polymeric materials of common use, and to observe the evolution of the design and 3D printing of materials to obtain artifacts for a specific use (e.g. syringes for intradermal infusion without a needle).

Venue: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Area della Ricerca di Catania, Via Gaifami 9-18, Catania

Focus: Red Biotech

Type: Meeting/Debate, Labs/Training, Open doors

More info: domenico.garozzo@cnr.it,  sandro.dattilo@cnr.it

Organiser: CNR Istituto per i Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali (IPCB)