28th September
Maria Romano
Viruses and Bacteria: friends or foes?
Flavia Squeglia
Biotechnologies lead the fight against Coronavirus.
Haritha Asha
A journey from thiruvananthapuram to napoli
29th September
Maria Grazia Caprio
New Frontiers in Diagnostic Imaging.
Ferruccio Bonino
The non-invasive measure of intrahepatic fat, a mirror of health
Maria Agnese Pirozzi
Biomedical signals. How can we read inside us?
30th September
Annachiara Sarnella
Adapt to survive: as a cancer cell evolves
James Green
Quantum mechanics calculations in real life
Adriano Tramontano
Software & Hardware architctures for remote monitoring
1st October
Monica Fedele
From mice to human: a round trip
Ilaria Cimmino
Environments and human health
Paola Ungaro
Epigenetic modifications and obesity outcomes
2nd October
Vittoria D’Esposito
Stem cells: past, present and future
Mario Galgani
The intricate world of the immune system
Event host: Istituto per l ‘Endocrinologia ed Oncologia Sperimentale “G. Salvatore” (IEOS) e Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini (IBB) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Event venue: Online event
More info: a.kisslinger@ieos.cnr.it; antonella.zannetti@ibb.cnr.it; barbara.salvatore@ibb.cnr.it