During the workshop, primary emphasis will be given to transferring new knowledge of the Biotech sector through innovative methodologies as an update for the professors involved in teaching specialized scientific subjects. The principal aim of the seminar is raising awareness of teachers and students of secondary schools on major topics of specific relevance, considered as “emerging”, which require professors and students to pay particular attention, individual responsibility and opportunity awareness to the new risks that biotech techniques could present.


  • The omic sciences, epigenetics and correct lifestyles – Inail, dit (E. Sturchio, M. Zanellato, P. Boccia)
  • Circadian regulation of genes – La Sapienza University (Mary Anna Venneri)
  • Biosafety on the plate – more technology and less risk (Aldo Ceriotti)
  • Application of artificial intelligence technologies for the automation of research activities – IBM Watson (Luca Di Piramo)

Event host: INAIL-Dipartimento Innovazioni tecnologiche-Laboratorio Biotecnologie e Inail-DCOD in partnership con Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Fondazione Santa Lucia- CNR Istituto di Biologia e Biotecnologia Agraria, Milano – SPERA le ragioni della ricerca – Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento Medicina Sperimentale
Event venue: Online event
More info: e.sturchio@inail.it