Different activities around biotechnology applications that are saving lives!

  • Learning activity “Salvo e Gaia”, during which each student can produce a small gadget shaped as a human body organ;
  • “Transplantations”, a scientific discussing card game on the topic of organ transplants;
  • “Reuse and recycling”, a toy repair workshop to give a new life to broken objects and think about the importance of organ donation;
  • “Life colours” – activity with paint and brushes, to remind people how donating organs can bring colour to someone’s life, otherwise destined to be “colourless”;
  • In this occasion, you will be able to register to become an organ donor.

Venue Napoli, Città della Scienza, Museo Corporea

Focus: Red Biotech

Type: Meeting/Debate, Labs/Training, Play Decide

More info: maglio@cittadellascienza.it, animazione@cittadellascienza.it, uocomunicazione@cittadellascienza.it

Organiser: Fondazione IDIS – Città della Scienza