The future is created in the sea
Naples, 28 September 2018
University of Naples “Parthenope”
Aula Magna – Via Acton, 39
The conference was a huge success. It was organized by the Municipality of Naples – Department of Labor – and by Technapoli, in collaboration with: Assobiotec / Federchimica, University of Naples “Parthenope”, ICB-CNR and Associazione MareVivo..
In fact, over 500 students from schools in Naples and the province participated, confirming the event as one of the most participated in all of Europe.
The EBW is held in Naples starting from 2013. The goal this year is to bring young people closer to science, to research on the sea, to innovation. In fact, science is considered distant and incomprehensible, destined only for a select few, with functioning mechanisms often unknown. With this initiative the opposite is shown.
The meeting was attended by: Angela Procaccini, Municipality of Naples, the true soul of the event; Leonardo Vingiani, Director of Assobiotec-Federchimica; Giorgio Budillon, Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the University of Naples “Parthenope”; Genoveffa Nuzzo, ICB-CNR researcher; Ilaria Finore, researcher at the ICB-CNR; Carmine Esposito, Delegate of the Campania Region for the MareVivo Association.
The opening of the day was hekd by Alberto Carotenuto, Magnificent Rector of the University of Naples “Parthenope”.
The speakers addressed the multiple opportunities offered by the sectors that make up the bioeconomy to combine economic growth and the creation of new highly skilled jobs with environmental sustainability.
The event ended with the “Student Laboratory. Reflections and creativity“, in which the pupils of some of the participating schools presented work related to the theme: The Future is created in the Sea.
The schools that presented works on the subject (slides and videos) are:
- LICEO CLASSICO Umberto di Napoli
- I.I.S.S. “F. S. Nitti” di Napoli
- I.I.S. “C. Mennella” di Ischia
Prof.ssa Angela Procaccini – Comune di Napoli, Assessorato alle Attività Produttive – 081 7954219 347 9303780 –
Dott. Marco Matarese – – Consorzio Technapoli – 3398659557 –