Forty schoolchildren of 13-14 years old coming from the South North of Lithuania from Jurbarkas district from Viešvilės, Skirsnemunės Jurgio Baltrušaičio, Smalininkų Lidijos Meškaitytės primary schools will attend the information day on biotechnology. The children will be introduced to the world of biotechnology and it‘s influence and importance in everyday life. In this program forty students will take part in lecture, excursion and experimental exercises. The program is scheduled for 5 hours, during which they will have lecture, excursion, experiments. This event is initiated by Jurbarkas Educational Center.


Dates: 25th September
Country: Lithuania
Event host: Sector of Applied Biocatalysis, Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius University
Event venue: Sauletekio ave. 7, Life Sciences Center
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