Country: Bulgaria

Host: Health Security Partners

Venue: Online (Zoom)


Know-Your Customer and Due Diligence; two topics that are important in all facets of the biotechnology sector, not just finance.

You are invited to this seminar that will present information on regulations and better business practices that will make compliance easy to understand and implement – whether your concern is with product development, supply chains, or preserving your company’s reputation.

The Center for the Study of Democracy and HSP are launching a Know-Your-Customer program this summer for small-to-medium manufacturers, distributors and suppliers working in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industries in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine.

Why participate?
• Learn about the business trends and regulations impacting commercial biotechnology activities.
• Enhance your business’ capacity to identify and manage complex risks presented by regulatory requirements for dual use technologies, and biotechnology industry responses.
• Connect with Industry Leaders.
• Opportunity to access development funding to further due diligence practices in your business operations.

The program will bring together biotechnology industry representatives, key experts, and international regulators in a half-day virtual workshop on September 17, 2021. Two additional short sessions will take place on September 24th and October 1st, 2021.

The seminar’s sessions will be interactive, blending presentations with group exercises and scenario-based discussions covering Know-Your-Customer and due diligence best practices, mapping biotechnology industry needs and exploring business-friendly biotechnology self-regulation.

Afterwards, participants are eligible for special funding opportunities to implement Know-Your-Customer and due-diligence practices within their business operations or professional association.

The program registration is open to personnel from small and medium enterprises in the development, manufacturing, supply and/or distribution of biological products, bioscience equipment, biotechnologies, and pharmaceuticals. The working language of the program will be English.

This symposium is a sponsored conference with limited placement of 30 participants. Please indicate your interest by contacting us at or registering on our Zoom platform.