Venue: Łódź, pub Krańcoofka, ul. Piotrkowska 29

Area of interest: all biotech sectors

Type of activity: meeting

More info:

Social media: Facebook event

Our guests were:

Prof. Łukasz Pułaski, the head of the Laboratory of Transcriptional Regulation (Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences) and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular Biophysics (University of Lodz), an author of numerous publications and winner of several awards and scholarships. He specializes in molecular mechanisms of regulation of cellular processes and gene expression, as well as redox homeostasis in cancer cells. At the meeting, Łukasz Pułaski gave a presentation “Everybody knows science is fun. But is it, really?”

MSE Błażej Marciniak is an IT specialist and a member of Biobank Łódź and was previously involved in many projects such as Testoplek and During our meeting he talked about the Biobank Łodz which, in cooperation with the Department of Anthropology University of Lodz, handles the genomic characteristics of populations living in Poland. Błażej Marciniak, as the author of the project “Monitoring the occurrence of threats to civilization diseases, cancer and risk addiction among children and youth of Lodz” tried to answer the question “Can participation budget help in developing science?”

Jakub Milczarek PhD is an Assistant Professor at the Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Institute of Technical Biochemistry. As a (forensic) analytical chemist, he has contributed to and run many scientific projects in the field of forensic chemistry, bioanalytical research and heritage conservation science. He has also been working in the IT sector for a couple of years in various IT projects. Currently he is also an Associate to OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons). Jakub Milczarek gave a presentation “Chemical weapons – the spectre of the past or current issue?”

The presentations were followed by a question and networking session, which gave our audience a chance to share opinions as well as discuss the topics introduced in the presentations. Meet Biotech – Boost Biotech Łódź #30: European Biotech Week was the biggest edition of all the MBBB meetings this year – about 50 people participated in the meeting in the pub and more than 500 watched our live transmission on Facebook.

Organizer: Boost Biotech Polska