Within the framework of the European event “Meet Me Tonight – la notte dei ricercatori”, students will be driven along a path of scientific experiments carried out by the research groups working at DBSV. The event takes place both at the University of via Manara 7 (Friday 27 September Morning and afternoon), and in piazza San Giovanni (Saturday afternoon).

Some examples:

  • Journey into the fruit genome: molecular biology applied to everyday things;
  • MICROCOSM: What lives in water
  • Natural pH Indicators


  • 27/09 Biologia e Biotecnologie in un banco: Università degli studi dell’Insubria, sede di Busto Arsizio, via Manara 7;
  • 28/09 – Biologia e Biotecnologie in Piazza: piazza San Giovanni.

Focus: Red Biotech

Type: Labs/Training, Open doors

More info: marzia.gariboldi@uninsubria.it; emanuela.marras@uninsubria.it

Organiser: Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita –università dell’Insubria – Sede di Busto Arsizio