Rho (Milano), MIND Human Technopole, Cascina Triulza
Red biotech
More info: rvittadini@bio4dreams.com; amartin@bio4dreams.com

Population ageing is one of the greatest issues of our time, with significant effects on our lives and on Life Sciences. Among the global challenges that this phenomenon poses, the search for solutions that allow for healthier and more sustainable ageing is a challenge that requires a direct and joint involvement of different players, from academia to industry, to research centres, all the way to investors and innovation centres.
On this day dedicated to global challenges for healthy and sustainable ageing, the debate will focus on scientific, technological and operational aspects to outline innovative scenarios concerning the approach to aging issues. At the same time many startups involved in aging sector will join the event, in order to have a concrete look on the development of innovative products, services and networks aimed at improving the quality of life.

Organisers: Bio4Dreams, IBM Italia, HIT- Hub Innovazione Trentino, CIBIO (Centre for Integrative Biology), Materias, TLS – Toscana Life Sciences, Trentino Sviluppo.