ABSal (Salamanca’s Association for Biotechnology) is a student organization with three main objectives: (1) to complement the education of Biotechnology students at University of Salamanca; (2) to increase people’s interest in Biotechnology via science communication activities; and (3) to encourage children and teenagers to be curious about science and to pursue STEM careers.

Following these aims, ABSal has organized a full set of activities during the #BiotechWeek:

  • ‘The history of CRISPR’, a seminar by Lluis Montoliu
  • Round table discussion about bioentrepreneurship, with several biotech companies
  • Talking about Immunotherapy, a set of talks by experts of Salamanca
  • ‘Biotech on the day-to-day’, an outreach talk by @SoyBiotec
  • ‘The Why of transgenic cultures’ an outreach talk by @Ivic10Ivan
  • DNA Extraction workshop for kids (6-12 years)
  • ‘Meet a Biotech’, pub scientific talks to get to know Salamanca’s biotechnology

More info: All the events data and updates about the activities can be found on our Webpage, our Twitter account @ABSalBiotec and the hashtag #BiotechWeekSAL

Organiser: ABSal with the support of the Faculty of Biology, the University of Salamanca, and MSD Animal Health (silver collaborator) and EGO Genomics (bronze collaborator).