A workable system for access to genetic resources is crucial for the future of our life sciences and biotech companies. A new international legal framework has been set up, known as the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilisation.  Since the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol, the matter of so called Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) has grown in importance.  Regional and national Implementing laws are currently under discussion.

On 12 October 2015, several examples of the use of genetic resources by companies and collections were given to exemplify the IP and legal framework of the Nagoya Protocol. The aim was to inform the industry, academics and the government in general, but also to highlight the issues that the biotech sector is confronted with in implementing the Nagoya Protocol. After a lively Q&A, the Belgian Secretary of State for Science Policy Mrs Sleurs stated that her services acknowledge the good cooperation with industry and academia and stressed the importance of access to genetic resources for innovation.

The Bio.BE annual seminar on the Nagoya Protocol’s impact on companies was an ideal momentum to learn about this new regulatory framework, exchange views with others and check whether you were compliant with these new rules.


MORE INFO? Contact Cathy PLASMAN at cplasman@essenscia.be