Area of Interest: Red biotech

Type: Labs/training


Fondazione Golinelli offers free activities on the theme of biodiversity for primary school and secondary schools

Biodiversity at the table

Primary school (fourth and fifh year)

Corn, ricce, wheat, barley, sorghum, millet, oat, spelt, triticale, rye, buckwheat, fonio, amaranth, quinoa are they all cereals? Do they look the same? Where do they come from and for what purposes are they used? During the activity the participants analyze the theoretical aspect and observe, under a microscope, the flour that derives from certain grains. In particular, under the microscope, it is possible to visualize the types of starch present in the various cereals highlighting the differences between the granules.

Vege-tech: test tube plants and home gardens

Intermediate school

The asexual propagation of plants is a well-established technique for the multiplication of plant clones that always maintain the same genetic characteristics of the plants that originates them. There are many techniques of agamic reproduction, very simple too, like plant cutting. During the activity it will be possible to try out micropropagation, a technique of cloning plants from small quantities of tissue. It will also possible to explore hydroponic and indoor cultivation techniques.

Biodiversity and evolution

High school

Students conduct an analysis of the clues hidden in the bones of some animal and human species. The information obtained is used to deepen the theory of the evolution of the species through natural selection, the concept of species and the evolutionary adaptation to the climate. In the second part students use some software that, in an interactive way, bring them closer to the concept of evolution, the study of the populations present in a territory and the control of the balance between different populations.


For more information, please reach out to:; Tel.: 051 0923208

Organiser: Fondazione Golinelli

Address: Bologna, Opificio Golinelli, via Paolo Nanni Costa 14