Innovative products have allowed millions of patients to improve their quality of life, reducing by 20% the mortality rate for oncological diseases from the 80s to the present. Rheumatology, oncology, rare diseases, are the areas that benefited the most from the biotech revolution. Moreover, biological products represent a new chance to fight antibiotic resistance: in fact, the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA) has recently approved a monoclonal antibody for the treatment of Clostridium Difficile’s infection. Other monoclonal antibodies are under investigation; they are promising products, but unfortunately, they have extremely high costs.

Antibiotic resistance in Europe is still increasing, and according to the World Health Organization, about 33,000 people die each year in Europe due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Many antibiotics are likely to become less and less effective in treating infections due to inappropriate behavior of both patients and health professionals. The lab is devoted to citizens/ of the municipality of Portici (Naples) and consists of a theoretical part delivered by pharmacists working in the National Health System and pharmacists working in the research field that will provide participants with basic information for a correct approach to drug- therapy. During the practical part, participants will be invited to write about their attitude for and the relationship with antibiotics in the frame of the Narrative Medicine. Besides the “narratives”, we will collect a quantitative questionnaire in order to have a picture of quantitative data and personal experiences.. The data will be subject to analysis for future concrete actions towards the citizenry.

Venue: Napoli, Sala comunale Villa Fernandez – Portici (Na)

Focus: Red Biotech

Type: Labs/Training

More info:

Organiser: Il Faro d’Ippocrate e Dipartimento di Farmacia, Università Federico II, Napoli – AORN “A. Cardarelli”, Napoli – Comune di Portici (NA)