Area of interest: Red biotech
Type: Hackathon

Second stage of the ‘Rare Disease Hackathon’ will be held during the European Biotechnology Week. The second edition of the course will include three main stages: the first, the workshop with the organizations of patients with rare diseases in which the needs of patients have been identified; the second stage with the workshop that will confront hackers and patient organizations; then, the final stage with the live event from 10 to 12 October at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence, where hackers will work on innovative technological solutions for patients suffering from rare diseases. The needs to which the Hackathon wants to respond concern among others the possibility of obtaining a diagnosis in a short time (in order to avoid complications and delays in therapy) and the construction of a network between patients interested in the same pathology, but also a better adherence to the therapies, so that the drugs are taken according to the therapeutic plan prescribed by the clinical center. The request to the working groups is to elaborate a project idea that focuses on one or more of the themes indicated.

Address: Milano, Shire, via Mike Bongiorno 13, Spazio Eventi
For more information, please reach out to:
Organiser: Shire, Uniamo FIMR Onlus, AIP Onlus, AIMPS Onlus associazione italiana mucopolisaccaridosi, ANNA ass nazionale nutriti artificialmente, Associazione Gaucher Italia, FedEmo, Associazione Emofilici e Talassemici di Ravenna, Consulta Nazionale Malattie Rare